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I Speak Your [Visual Storytelling] Language

Visual Storytelling images from Luke Walwyn Studio
I Speak Your Visual Storytelling Language Animation

I made a vow to myself when I started Luke Walwyn Studio – 

let the VISUALS do the talking. 

I made a pledge to potential clients – 

to make sure your visual language and your visual storytelling captures your uniqueness

reflects your individuality and 

inspires your customers. 

A couple of years on and I’m proud that I’m on the right track. 

Franca Sozzani (Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Italia 1988-2015) stated:

“This is a choice I made 26 years ago when I joined the magazine. Vogue was in Italian but I wanted to speak to everyone so I thought of creating images that were made to talk.” 

It’s difficult to overstate the importance of the right visual language. 

It can amplify your voice, evoke emotion and help to tell your story. 

If it comes down to the choice of you or the other brand, make sure that it is you who dilates their pupils. 


I’m Luke

Your partner for visual content.

Click HERE if you are ready to excite and inspire your audience.


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