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New Directions – A Chance Encounter

I met a man in London

Poetry was his game

He tapped frantically with his fingers

Not after fortune or fame.

His sign it spelt out clearly

‘Just pay me as you feel’

I’ll reveal just what I see

You cough up – that’s the deal!

He set fingers into motion

On his ‘Lattera 32’

Then unravelled the piece of paper

And said “here I hope this will do!”

Today it seems so poignant

To look back and to read

We were not too long from lockdown

And this man had sown a seed.

As I read the poem in earnest

Thinking coincidence or fluke

I parted with a sizeable note

And noticed his name was Luke.

His poem went something like this:

“New Directions.

                    Which is to say, 

no cardinal point, no possible turn on

the grid of three dimensions, no way the wind blows

     but a twist into some entirely new and previously 

unimagined space, so that we arrive, gasping 

      and enchanted on the Impossible Shore

                                 electric air

and the light of a more perfect sun.

This is how discoveries are made…

by making the new path, 

      what cannot be conceived of 

           until it is done”

by Luke Davis - 2021

This was a chance encounter to say the least.


I’m Luke

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