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Illustration - Imagine The Possibilities

DOI double page spread showcasing illustration work of Luke Walwyn
Directory of Illustration ft Luke Walwyn

For anyone just about to launch their global marketing campaign – hold fire for a day or so. The new Directory of Illustration tome has landed and is causing an international stir. I am honoured to be featured on pages 14-15 with vibrant colours that could overshadow a mediterranean summer. Shades are optional. The exciting cover is stylishly created by Fatinha Ramos in a nod in the right direction of inclusion and diversity. Thank you extraordinarily to Ellie Altomare for sharing your vision and belief in me.

Imagine the possibilities that illustration can bring to your campaign!

If you are looking for something unique, and are attracted to what you have seen, click HERE to make visual storytelling part of your brand communications. #illustration #seeingtheworlddifferently #visualstorytelling #doi #directoryofillustration #travelinthemind #diversityequityinclusion


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